Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Friday, February 11, 2011

WooHoo! It's National Marriage Week.

Valentine's Day is fast approaching. But even more importantly, did you know the week leading up to Valentine's Day is National Marriage Week? Apparently it's an annual celebration/focus on marriage from February 7-14. I am actually all for this, celebrating all types of marriages. I think, perhaps, it shouldn't just be a week. It should be 52 weeks, given the divorce rate in our country.

Marriage, after all, is hard work. Any married person can attest to that. It's easy for us to lose track of each other and nurturing of the marriage. There's work, there's the kids. There's house maintenance. There's chores. There's the never-ending laundry. There is the me time. And yet somehow, we rarely make time for the we time.  Oh sure, once every couple months one might call the babysitter and go out on a date, and typically start out the conversation with "Isn't this great? We really need to get out by ourselves more often..." and by the end of the evening have digressed to talking about the kids exclusively.

We have been working to get our married groove back since the birth of the twins. We instituted our Top Chef Sundays which has been quite successful thus far, as we have found we really enjoy cooking for each other again. I do my best to try to hang out for at least a half hour or so at night when the kids go down once or twice a week. (it's not easy). And Keith tries to come to bed early once or twice a week to keep me happy. We are also back to attempting to remember the little things and the small courtesies that are so easy to forget and take for granted.

With a little luck, it will be National Marriage Week all 52 weeks of the year in this home. And hopefully Valentine's Day everyday. I wish nothing but the same for EVERY married or united person out there.


Unknown said...

Thank you. I hope you will post more on this topic! :)

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