Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can what is lost be found?

There seems to be days, weeks and months even when I play a certain swan song. A song whose lyric runs that of the "I just don't have the time variety." Does the refrain sound familiar? Each day starts out with the best of intentions and suddenly I find 3 hours have passed, filled with diaper changes, snacks, temper tantrums, or each child needing individual versus group attention. Then we start all over again with lunchtime. All the while those good intentions get lost and the laundry piles up, dusting gets neglected, the lawn needs to be mowed and the car oil changed.

I wish I could tell you I was efficient with nap time. I used to be. I used to even be able to find time to nap with my oldest and still get it all done. With three, nap time  is best used to hurriedly straighten up for round two and that's on the days I can even get all three to nap. Because, after all your best efforts, why on earth would three little boys ever stick to the same schedule for anything?

I am still waiting for the magic formula on how I should reclaim lost time. Not let the good intentions get left behind. It never fails to appear that the harder I try, the worse my efficiency gets. Or three little ones actively seek to sabotage me.  Now there's a theory I can work with. I am quite confident a mother could do a lot with two or three more efficient, thus found hours.

I will find time for that mani/pedi on more than an annual basis.
I will find time to dust once a week.
I will find time to create deliciously gourmet - okay, just deliciously home cooked - meals for my family on non-work days.
I will find time to give each child the proper balance of group and individual attention.
I will find time to plan fun daytime out of the house activities for us.
I will find time to pick away at one home improvement project a month.
I will find time for my running.
I will find time to rediscover the joy of reading.

Now, if I could just find that time to get started on the list.


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