Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Seriously Folks ?!?

We've all been there. Victim to those moments when you just would love to know what in tarnation the other person was thinking, or more importantly, who authorized them to be out in public.   My husband and I have wasted far too much time as of late chuckling over this stuff and it seemed too good not to share a few of our personal favorite experiences.

The folks at the local mall who feel any free spot of curb is fair game for a parking space. If there is cement, they will park, whether it's an actual legal spot or not. Local law enforcement seems to feel this is just fine and dandy. I shudder to think what would happen at Christmas with a fire or medical emergency needing actual space. And the epidemic is spreading. I caught it now appearing at a Target near me this weekend. Here's a thought. Park in the parking space at the end of the lot and walk like the rest of us. It's healthy and it won't kill you.

One last time. Repeat after me. I know I have my hands full. So, when I/We are out and about with three children and one or more are fussing or melting down; unless you are willing to grab a diaper or a bottle and pony up to help,  no one is interested in making conversation with you and hearing how busy we are. Oh, and no need to roll your eyes when you can't make eye contact with me because I am WATCHING my children and not paying attention to your insane need to tell me that I (1) have twins and (2) have my hands full. Yeah, my husband caught you.

Fashion Police Alert: if you have a muffin top or beer belly, please I beg you, cover it up! Target has some stylish and affordable options. There is no need for a belly shirt. Ever.

I need help understanding why there is a subpopulation who finds it necessary to treat every crosswalk as an opportunity to sashay down their own personal runway. They look foolish and cause drivers to become impatient, nearly taking out those of us trying to cross in a reasonable amount of time with small children, sans a fierce runway strut.

Why must some people start up with dagger eyes and audible sighs the moment a family with children sits down to eat in a restaurant? I can assure you, no one in my group slipped the hostess a $50 to seat us next to you to ruin your meal. Keep it up buddy, and I can promise you that I will allow my children to leave their manners back in the coat check along with yours.

Now anyone who lives in the beltway can appreciate this:  Unless you live on a deserted island or got your driver's license in the last twenty minutes, I am reasonably sure you have seen both a dented car and someone getting issued a ticket before. So why rubberneck and hold up traffic for 45 minutes? Keep it moving and keep it safe.

Jets fans. Yankees fans. Lakers fans. Flyers fans. No further explanation needed.

And don't even get me started on those parents who have to post every little thing their child does on Facebook along with 100 pictures a week..... Oh. Wait. Ha Ha... This is awkward. That's ME!

What "Seriously Folks?" moment have you encountered recently that made you stop and take pause?


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