Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Friday, January 7, 2011

A look back to say Goodbye and Farewell

With the turn of every new year, there is always a moment or two of self-reflection where one might look back, pause and say "What was I thinking?"  2010 proved to be no exception as a year filled with such moments.

*Standing in a line for 8 hours on iPhone 4 release day with a toddler and two infants. My husband assured me if I went at a "reasonable" hour, I wouldn't be there for more than just a couple hours, after all, he was in and out in just three! Eight. Hours. Thank goodness for a too kind sister-in-law who hung with me for all eight hours (after her own three hour wait) and a mother-in-law who rescued the toddler after hour five. We got into the Apple store just as the formula ran out. Never again.

*Thinking that I could actually order multiple pairs of boots in multiple colors from J.Crew. And that I would be able to intercept the package from my husband, who would then be none the wiser. When I wore then boots, I could slyly just answer "Oh, this old thing? It's been in the closet.... awhile" when asked how long I've owned them (he never misses anything, the guy can sniff out a purchase at thirty paces).  Only I never counted on the UPS man delivering on the day I work and hubby doing early day care pick up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Oh Bootgate 2010, I am still trying to live you down and perhaps be allowed to shoe shop this year.

* Trying to have a nice quiet lunch post the twins two month checkup at the Olive Garden, as our toddler was at daycare for the day. Except we didn't count on the fact that our waitress had apparently never seen nor heard of  fraternal twins before. She not only paraded every staff member she could find by our table, she stationed herself right next to us and talked to us throughout the entire meal. Extra conversation, you got it! Second helping of breadsticks.... suddenly she's busy. She even remarked to us at one point how we must never get the chance to go out together anymore more and enjoy each other's company. Ya think? How sad that when we left another member of the waitstaff crew told us they were sorry we couldn't eat our meal in peace. Talk about your Twilight Zone.

Can't wait to see how 2011 pans out.


Carrie Ella said...

I'm laughing my ass off over here! That whole gotta-hurry-and-hide-the-packages-in-the-back-of-the-closet-before-he-gets-home routine is a nail biting experience, isn't it? Oh, how many times I've been caught red handed -with shoes, jewelry and clothes. Lord, have mercy!

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