Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Art of the Mommy Time Out

Today I am going for a mani/pedi. Boring, one might think. How common. How mundane. How perfectly grab-a-latte-and-a-People-magazine-don't-interrupt-me-while-I-Blackberry Saturday morning. Not for me. My last mani/pedi took place the evening prior to my two year and five month old's first birthday party. Not that anyone is counting in this house, of course. The one prior to that? The day we scheduled his induction. Lest I disappoint you, there is an event in store for this one as well. My husband's chi-chi corporate holiday party held at the Smithsonian's Air and Space museum. An event to remember.

I used to dream that with 3 kids it would be so simple to let mani/pedis go in terms of the household budget and precious me time. I'd save money! I could easily do it at home! After bedtime! While they nap! I am such a genius! Creating time for myself is a breeze! Reality,  or rather some cruel Cinderella step-sister version of her smacked me in the face. Naptime is still best saved for either doing chores at an Indy 500 pace or napping with the kids. After they go to bed, who am I kidding? I am right behind them once the dishwasher is loaded and running (I'd die if the twins baby bottles weren't ready to go first thing in the morning).  The PedEgg and lotions my husband bought me? Keeping the dust bunnies under the bathroom sink company. I can only imagine the conversations that must occur. What I find even funnier, is the sad truth that I actually bought a fun fall Sally Hansen nail polish two months ago with the best of intentions. It's now talking with the dust bunnies too. Hey, a little color sparkles up any nail conversation. 

I haven't mastered the Art of the Mommy Time Out. That time when one sneaks away for a latte and a chapter of a book, uninterrupted. A drink out with friends while Daddy stays home. A candlelit bubble bath and some aromatherapy while Daddy reads the bedtime stories that one night. That one cup of tea and DVR'd TV show before all heck breaks loose post preschool.  I am still that woman trying to figure out what one last chore or errand I can squeeze into the day. Some women are effortless at it, like wearing skinny jeans with boots and a jacket.  Me, I will getting my Mommy/Nurse hands done by professionals today with latte, iPhone, magazine in hand for my every other year mani/pedi. All suggestions welcome for how you, dear readers master the Art of the Mommy Time Out.


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