Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Christmas Wishlist

In the spirit of Christmas, being only 2 shopping days away, I though I'd take a moment to reflect on the things I'd really like for Christmas. Not the superficial answers I'll give you for my husband's shopping list, but the deep down to my core items I can only dream about.

Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year I would like

To open my washer and dryer midweek and not find them full of forgotten clothes after a weekend when my husband did the laundry.

To really, really win the MegaMillions. I swear, I won't even be greedy about it.

That all 3 kids would nap at the same time for just one day. Okay, a week.

That someone would come to my home every day and feed me, make sure I took a nap and watched plenty of Bravo.  

Having a maid, a butler and a personal chef show up at my door and tell me they are a gift. No salary needed.

That my next big "fun" purchase will NOT be a dishwasher.  Or a roof. Or a car.

I'd like to eat unlimited truffles without consequence to my hips or waistline.

That all 3 children would be toilet-trained by New Year's instead of age 3.

To never run to my local corner store and purchase a gallon of expired milk again. I mean, really.

About three more hours in my day - everyday.

A husband whose commute is 8.62 minutes.

So, Santa, I've been a very good girl this year. If you could just make room to squeeze all of the above items into my stocking, that would be swell.



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