Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

Every morning our two year old wakes up with a ridulous level of excitement to rush around the house to find the Elf on a Shelf. He named him "Magic", you see. Because Magic, after all, is what the holidays are about.  Magic is what is going to take Magic the Elf back to the North Pole every night to tell Santa Claus that he wants a bouncy ball and a rocket.  Magic is what makes our two year old ideally have less tantrums and spend less time in time out; while the elf watches his behavior daily to report back each night to Santa Claus. Magic is what makes his being patient with our eight month old twins, his little brothers, so worthwhile currently.

Magic is also what keeps me from not losing it in the Target lines this month. From freaking out on our drycleaner who destroyed my dress two days ago with the cleaning solution. Magic is hanging the stocking over the chimney with care and patiently untangling all the lights from years past.  Magic is making 8 dozen Christmas cookies to put in the freezer. Magic is the forced smile and tears trying to corral all three small children for the perfect photo for the card that no one really reads, but you know you sent anyway. Magic is letting the lady with two small children and 1 item go in front of you in said Target line.

Magic is knowing that despite all threats to the contrary, your husband will not become an endangered species if the lights are not hung this weekend because you really do love him madly (although you may not speak for a week). Because Magic is also wanting to see and hear your two year old "ooooh" and "ahhhhh" over the lights for the very first time. Magic is decorating the tree with care, wrapping the gifts and giggling with glee.

YEs, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  And it's just Magical around here.


Carrie Ella said...

Perhaps I should get Corbin an Elf on the Shelf. Lord knows our home could use a little magic!

Love the blog, Ann!

Unknown said...

Magical! You made me smile. :)

shadi writes said...

That was really lovely Ann.
You can write sister.
Already a fan : )

rudraksh said...


Thanks for sharing this blog its very helpful to implement in our work


coord set

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