Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What would you do if....

With all my recent contest winnings - baby clothes, cosmetics line, "Green" ultimate holiday giveaway, shoes, baby jogger - I've been taking  a chance on the odds and my karma to play the ultimate giveaway, the MegaMillions jackpot. Last nights jackpot was some $200 million. Quite frankly, I wouldn't even need that much to be comfortable for the end of days.

I have indulged in a little dreaming of what I might do with such winnings. I used to take the high road and say I would never quit  my job, but I think being honest with oneself requires the ability to recognize I would actually take some time off and indulge myself in a fantasy career. You know, something that involves the major your parents probably would never have let you pick in college. We would upgrade to a house with a garage, one where every boy would have their own bedroom. Maybe even a man AND woman cave.  There was a conversation about not having any servants, but I suspect a chef every evening would find their way into our home as well as a quality mother's helper.

We love our minivan, but the sedan would go by the wayside in a New York minute for an SUV. And we could quit worrying about both the college expenses of three boys in addition to our retirement. I could stop stressing about the grocery bill and screw the BGE bill - let them charge whatever they want. I am done messing with that damn thermostat in the winter and freezing my hiney off!

But in terms of shopping, it would be different. We like what we like, and to suddenly start shopping uber-designer just because we could seems strange. Not to mention with three small boys, wearing anything beyond wash and wear is just plain foolish and begging for trouble.

I suspect the one big extravagance would be for us to indulge in a personal trainer to help us get ready for marathon day. Not really a necessity, but would be a huge asset to us mentally.

So, another day comes and goes and I am still not a multimillionaire and far from the dangers of ever falling victim to the lottery winners' curse. But I wonder what others would do with the money should it fall into their laps?


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