Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Don't Do the Part Two

For the record, I am anti-remake. I nearly always prefer the original version. Wizard of Oz? Sound of Music? Citizen Kane? All wonderful classic films that should never be touched. It perplexes me why producer egos see some well done piece of entertainment and they think they can do it one better. Somehow CBS isn't showing Jim Carrey's The Grinch every December when the networks trot out their week of annual Christmas specials. 

I was a huge fan of Beverly Hills 90120, the original version please. I have roommates that can attest to my refusal to answer the phone for that one hour a week. Now I can't even stomach five minutes of the remake long enough to learn the characters names. The concept may be the same, but the soul is lost. Grown-up and Dancing with the Stars, actually. 

2011 will be bringing us actual studio releases of "Footloose", "Overboard" and "Short Circuit". Footloose is a bit of a stretch, but a teen classic for it's time, much like the recent LiLo vehicle "Freaky Friday"  before she lost her Disney image. The last two? I'm still catching the original Overboard on TBS for rainy day laughs. Surely Goldie and Kurt signed on for part deux or this chick isn't interested. Well, I'm not actually interested regardless. That's my point. Overboard? Short Circuit? That's the best the boys in suits could come up with during a leisurely lunch at Hal's?

My personal favorite rumor du jour is having Michael Bay of Transformers fame helm The Godfather a la 2010. Over Michael Corleone's dead body. Such matter are a lot like ex-boyfriends. Best left with the original memory, never revisit when broken up and a clone is always twice as defective. 


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