Musings of a mom journeying through work, mothering three boys, fashion passion, current state of mommyhood and daydreams.....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year's - To Resolve or Not?

Every year I set out with the best of intentions creating resolutions of things that with steely determination, I resolve to do for myself in the new year. The resolutions always stick for 0.26 seconds before I inevitably break my first one. I surely cannot possibly be the only human who faces this annual resolution battle.  Do I or Don't I? How do I choose the proper resolution? Am I going to work on superficial self-improvement or seek something much more visceral this year?

Last year, I managed to stick to my resolution for the first time ever. I resolved not to resolve anything. It worked well for me. There was no stomachache of defeat come January 2 or even February 1 from having thrown in the towel yet another year.  So, New Year's is right around the corner and I am now struggling to choose - do I actually stick with a resolution that works or come up with a reasonable list of resolutions?

Shockingly, I am going with the latter this year. And I am going to try my hardest not to break them. Some are really important to me.

1. We are reinstating family dinner time. I work 14 hour days and my husband's commute can take up to two hours one way. Family dinner has gone by the wayside in the name of just getting the kids fed. However, I think kids eat healthier and in general thrive a little better in a nurturing household where we all sit together and share a nightly meal. I am willing to take my chances that an appetite may be a bit ruined from a carrot stick snack to tide one over until a parent gets home, but I think it's important we come back to the family dinners.

2. To seriously train hard for the marathon. This takes work co-ordinating two runners and three kids, plus life. But I want to run 4 days a week, period.

3. To screw the Joneses. I am in the best place of my life, with a fantastic husband I still somedays I can't believe is mine and three beautiful children. Enough with the mental insanity I can cause myself and my darling husband trying to keep up "appearances". Love me for who I am or don't love me at all.

If I can't stick to these three, than I guess in 2012 it's back to the non-resolution resolution. What about you?


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